Get Involved

Why you should join YUPC, and how to do so

Join YUPC!

YUPC is Yale's first and only student organization dedicated specifically to the art of piano playing. When you become a member of YUPC, you can
  • be a part of “studio classes,” where pianists play for each other in an informal, relaxed setting, receive feedback from peers, and eat food;
  • participate in masterclasses taught by concert pianists;
  • perform in collaborative piano concerts; and
  • make great piano-playing friends!

Application process

YUPC strives to be an inclusive organization, and all undergraduate pianists at Yale are invited to apply. However, since we engage with challenging repertoire and have a limited amount of time to prepare for performances, we do want to make sure that each member has a substantial background in piano performance.

Applications have closed for our Spring 2025 cycle. Upcoming information on our Fall 2025 cycle to come out around July, 2025.

Questions? Email

Membership Requirements

Upon acceptance, new members are expected to begin participating in a meaningful way to the organization. Each member is required to do at least the following every year:

  • Perform in one public concert
  • Perform in one studio class
  • Attend a studio class in which one is not performing

It is also expected that members will treat each other respectfully and be receptive to musical ideas different from their own. This open-minded outlook is especially crucial for studio classes and collaborative performances. The success of YUPC depends on its welcoming, friendly, and lively culture.